I'd like to thank you Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) and SEA Teacher Projec For good projects. This project is a great project to make the students practice teaching and cultural exchange. Thank you very much for this project. Thanks Khon Kaen University, my university. Lambung Mangkurat University and SMP Negeri1, Banjarmasin school For take care and give good experience to me. And thanks to everyone involved. Everything will be good memories of me.
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2561
Time to say thank you
I'd like to thank you Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) and SEA Teacher Projec For good projects. This project is a great project to make the students practice teaching and cultural exchange. Thank you very much for this project. Thanks Khon Kaen University, my university. Lambung Mangkurat University and SMP Negeri1, Banjarmasin school For take care and give good experience to me. And thanks to everyone involved. Everything will be good memories of me.
Time to Teaching 23/02/2018
The last class, I teach about circular flow of income, grade 8A, I feel that students can be more easily understood, and I can control the classroom better. When I teach I'm feeling much better, but still wanted to continue teaching at this school, SMP Negeri1 make me a lot of experience. Thank you all, and very thanks all students. Everything will be in my memories.#SMP Negeri1, Banjarmasin Indonesia.
Time to Teaching and Evaluation class 22/02/2018
Today is Time to Teaching and Evaluation class. I am very excited I teach about Circular flow of income topic in grade 8C the time, use 80 minute time, I prepared my selfe more. Improve the teaching of many think that is the problem and is ready to teach but I have big problem was a power outage. I can't use media and technology at all. Just play the game described and lectures, it made some students did not understand and could not participate in the activities of some activities. I described the groups that still do not understand. I admit that I feel terrible, but I have to thank and appreciate all students. They try to learn and understand, The evaluator says she understand the situation. And appreciate that I can solve the problem well. And can control the classroom.Time to Teaching 20/02/2018
The first day of teaching. I'm very excited. Use the time to prepare for and write lesson plans is quite long time. I teach about topic Circular flow of income in grade 8C time, use the time 80 minute. By teaching the game, Group Process and presentations. Students cooperated very well. I was very impressed But I still feel that the teaching content is not continuous. I have a problem with the communication with students sometimes, but I used a Power Point program to explain, used of the images and symbols that will help students understand more easilyTime to Assistant (Week 2) 17/02/2018
Today roommate and fellow School Filipinos back to Philippine. I went to school by Gojek can use the application to which it will calculate the price based on the distance. No cheating of course. The cost from accommodation to schools (3 km) 8,000 rupiah (20 baht) Here, when riding a motorcycle, everyone must wear a helmet, this is the law and fines is extremely expensive. At school I teaching assistant Grade 7H Topic Economics Instructor Mr.Rahmat.Time to Assistant (Week 2) 15/02/2018
Today is Invigilator like yesterday, The national examination about science and Bahasa Indonesia language. Today everything is the same. Not different from yesterday.Time to Assistant (Week 2) 14/02/2018
Today I come to school early, like every day. The school has a national examination. through the computer online system (Puspendik program) only the four core subjects of mathematics, science, English and Bahasa Indonesian. I think this is great exams. Reduce the problem of destruction of natural resources.Today have exams 2 subjects is mathematics and english. before entering the exam room, the students must deposit the phones and get the scrap paper to 1 sheet, students very determined to test, When finished, the students signed, the signatures are alternating. There are exams, but other rooms are still studying because the examination room and computer are limited to about 3 rooms.วันอังคารที่ 3 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2561
Time to Assistant (Week 2) 13/02/2018
Schedule for my Observation
assistant and Teaching
assistant grade 8B, Topic Thai Culture and Economics, Instructor Mr.Rahmat.
And Teaching grade 9H, Topic Thai Culture.
examination about math and English.
examination about science and Bahasa Indonesia language
Teaching assistant
7H, Topic Economics, Instructor Mr.Rahmat.
Teaching assistant
8C, Topic Economics, Instructor Mr.Rahmat.
The first day of teaching assistant in grade 8B, Instructor Mr.Rahmat (My mentor), when I into this class, My mentor told me to teach students about the country Thailand. Without telling me in advance, I teach basic greetings, thai culture, thai music, Artist of Thailand and attractions in Thailand. I teach around 30 minutes after that my mentor teach on economics. When end of this class, Mrs.Harniati tells me to teach about my country in grade 9H, I teach around 45 minutes, So I feel slightly shocked because they didn't prepare well beforehand, but it is a good experience.
Time to Observation (Week 1) 09/02/2018
grade 9E Period 1 - 2 Times 07.45 – 09.15 a.m. Instructor Mr.Kabul. The teacher
teach about the international organization World
Trade Organization (WTO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, etc. He use a PowerPoint for teaching. Students are conscious and interested to study.
Time to Observation (Week 1) 08/02/2018
Today I observe
grade 7C Period 1 - 2 Times 07.45 – 09.15 a.m. Instructor Mrs.Sri, The teacher
taught by lectures, and the student worksheet. The students show a lot answer questions and participate in class as well.
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Time to say thank you
I'd like to thank you Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) and SEA Teacher Projec For good projects. T...

23/02/2018 The last class, I teach about circular flow of income, grade 8A, I feel that students can be more easily understood, an...
14/02/2018 Today I come to school early, like every day. The school has a national examination. through the computer online syst...
22/02/2018 Today is Time to Teaching and Evaluation class. I am very excited I teach about Circular flow of income topic in grade ...