วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2561

Time to Assistant (Week 2) 14/02/2018


        Today I come to school early, like every day. The school has a national examination. through the computer online system (Puspendik program) only the four core subjects of mathematics, science, English and Bahasa Indonesian. I think this is great exams. Reduce the problem of destruction of natural resources.Today have exams 2 subjects is mathematics and english. before entering the exam room, the students must deposit the phones and get the scrap paper to 1 sheet, students very determined to test, When finished, the students signed, the signatures are alternating. There are exams, but other rooms are still studying because the examination room and computer are limited to about 3 rooms.



Time to say thank you

        I'd like to thank you Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) and SEA Teacher Projec For good projects.  T...